Your battle rating is the result of all the people in all the ships you have destroyed.Kills: Rating:0 Harmless1 Mostly Harmless100 Fair200 Average400 Above Average800 Competent1,600 Noteworthy3,200 Excellent6,400 Dangerous12,800 Deadly25,600 UltimateShuttlecraft 1Light Freighter 19Bulk Freighter 32Courier 10Argosy 28Confederate Frigate 217Confederate Cruiser 1029Confed Patrol Ship 1Rapier 2Lightning 1Defender 1Executive Transport 2Luxury Liner 65Rebel Destroyer 115Rebel Cruiser 527Kestrel 196Manta 1Scoutship 2Corvette 37Confed Gunboat 1Hawk 1Alien Fighter 8Alien Cruiser 650Clipper 6Kestrel 196Escort Carrier 95Escape Pod 1This document was made by Phillip Mak .